Ideas Without Money are ‘Interesting.’
The most important part of your campaign is raising needed funds to get your message before the voters. Whether you are a candidate for local or high office, the formula for fund-raising success remains the same, and it begins with a comprehensive plan.
With experience in financing campaigns for candidates, PACs and non-profit organizations, our team provides fund-raising solutions that harmonize superior data, unique creative, and streamlined production to solicit donations from every angle and build a portable, durable, donor coalition.
Our fund-raising specialists will develop, manage, and execute a plan to identify, grow, and activate your targeted audience of donors by communicating with them through a variety of mediums including e-mail, digital, direct mail, and phones.
Comprehensive Finance Solutions
Texting: With text messages certain to get your targeted donor’s attention, you can raise money anytime, anywhere.
Calling: Our candidate calling programs draw from successful methods to raise needed dollars by directly soliciting high-dollar contributors.
E-mail: Fast, cost effective, and optimizable for best results, our e-mail programs employ compelling, engaging, unique, personalized content to help drive contributions in the door.
Digital: Digital advertising gets your message in front of target audiences, grows your base, and solicits donations across limitless digital spaces to meet fund-raising goals.
Direct mail: A reliable finance vehicle, direct mail is targetable and more personal, allowing you to draw the donor in and sell them on your message.
Full Circle Support
From budgeting and prospecting to reporting and compliance, our team will help you robust fund-raising operation quickly and efficiently.
Prospecting: We have the data and relationships needed to cost-effectively target donors with accurate message and medium.
Maintenance: Communicating with your supporters – even when not asking for money – is important. Let Strive keep your donors in the loop to make them feel like part of your campaign team, not its ATM.
Processing: Online payment processing provides donors targeted over e-mail, mobile, or digital advertising with a convenient platform to support you. Strive online payment processing systems address the online fund-raising needs of political candidates and campaigns.